This dashboard provides data about the demographics of homeless students enrolled in public schools K-12.
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California Budget & Policy Center Resources
This site provides numerous reports addressing health disparities, childcare, COVID-19, equity, and many other issues in California.
Access to Pediatric Specialty Care in California – 2022
This report outlines key findings of the 2022 survey which provide a snapshot of access to pediatric specialty care in California
Infant Mortality in California – 2021
This dashboard provides infant mortality rates based on state and county level data with additional indicator subcategories.
California Immigrant Data Portal
This website provides data on immigrant populations by city, county or state. They also provide additional information under, “data snapshots”, on critical issues immigrant populations face in California.
San Luis Obispo Mexican Indigenous Community Study: Report of Findings – 2024
This report highlights the health needs, housing, limited economic opportunities, and barriers that the Indigenous Mexican community in San Luis Obispo experience.
La estructura del condado de SLO: comprender la diversidad y las contribuciones de nuestra comunidad inmigrante
Este estudio consolida datos de diversas fuentes para ayudar a los formuladores de políticas, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y otras organizaciones locales a comprender la composición, los desafíos y las necesidades de la comunidad...
SLO County Commission on Aging – 2023
This report discusses the increasing senior population in SLO, the care crisis, dangers of seniors living alone, elder abuse, health outcomes, and social isolation.
California Veterans Report – 2024
Shows veteran mental health issues in statistics, compares CA to US veteran population and highlights some counties
California Veterans Report – 2023
Shows veteran mental health issues in statistics, compares CA to US veteran population and highlights some counties