This report tracks the watershed trends to access the impacts of specific implementation projects in Morro Bay.
Morro Bay Estuary Health for Water Year – 2023
The report tracks the health of the Morro Bay Estuary including trends in microorganisms and oxygen saturations.
Climate Adaptation and Safety Element – 2022
Addresses health risks in vulnerable and disadvantaged communities by decreasing pollution exposure, increasing community assets, and improving overall health.
Draft of Environmental Impact Report – 2023
The environmental impact report evaluates the potential impacts associated with Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s application to decommission the Diablo Canyon Power Plant.
Nesting of the California Least Tern and Western Snowy Plover at Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area – 2024
This report outlines the breeding season and conservation efforts of the California Least Tern and the Western Snowy Plover at the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area.
SLO City Water Quality Report – 2023
This report includes a table with how much of each contaminant was in the water and if it was a violation.
Annual Air Quality Report – 2023
Includes information and charts on air quality measurements made throughout the county during 2022.
Annual Air Quality Report – 2022
Includes information and charts on air quality measurements made throughout the county during 2021.
CA Children’s Report Card – 2024
A report that grades the State on its ability to support better outcomes for kids, from prenatal to age 26. Each grade is based on the State’s progress (or lack thereof) on passing and implementing...
CA Food Policy Report – 2020
This report highlights guiding principles for improving education, the economy, the environment, and health through a focus on food policy. It discusses the importance and benefits of farmers markets, farmworkers, and highlights stories from California...