This report assesses the needs of child and adolescent members, members with disabilities, members of racial or ethnic groups.
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Highlights of SLO County Access to Care Data – 2023
This report highlights the health care, mental health and dental care accessibility in San Luis Obispo County.
Cal Poly Basic Needs Report – 2022
This report is a snapshot of the basic needs insecurity issue at Cal Poly during the 2021-2022 school year, which includes food insecurity, housing insecurity, etc.
Access to Pediatric Specialty Care in California – 2022
This report outlines key findings of the 2022 survey which provide a snapshot of access to pediatric specialty care in California
Infant Mortality in California – 2021
This dashboard provides infant mortality rates based on state and county level data with additional indicator subcategories.
The Real Cost Measure in California – 2023
The Real Cost Measure estimates the amount of income required to meet basic needs including the costs of childcare, food, transportation, health care, and taxes.
Medi-Cal Children’s Health Dashboard – 2023
This dashboard provides an overview of children’s health and demographic measures for children enrolled in Medi-Cal.
Climate Adaptation and Safety Element – 2022
Addresses health risks in vulnerable and disadvantaged communities by decreasing pollution exposure, increasing community assets, and improving overall health.
California Health Places Index
This interactive map, is designed to identify community conditions that predict life expectancy, compare and rank scores at multiple California geographies.
San Luis Obispo Mexican Indigenous Community Study: Report of Findings – 2024
This report highlights the health needs, housing, limited economic opportunities, and barriers that the Indigenous Mexican community in San Luis Obispo experience.