Take a look at yearly statistics of Clery Act reportable crimes from Cal Poly and what their plan is to address these issues.
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Elder Abuse Cases in California – 2018
This story map represents the total number of elderly abuse cases reported, investigated, and completed in California from 2017-2018.
The Cost & Consequences of Sexual Violence in CA – 2018
This report from the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault shows sexual violence statistics and its associated costs. It also discusses the cost savings that would occur with increased prevention.
Californians’ Experiences with COVID-19, Equity, and Domestic Violence – 2021
This report summarizes survey findings about Californians’ hardships under COVID-19; experiences with racism and inequity; gender, sexism, and violence in intimate relationships.
Cal Poly Sexual Violence Report – 2020
This report summarizes findings from a survey assessing Cal Poly students on topics related to sexual assault and its impacts, bystander intervention, awareness of consent, stalking, and partner violence.
SLO Health Counts Dashboard
Explore this interactive website that is frequently updated and allows people to look at various health indicators related to the community, the economy, health, education, and environmental health.
What do Women Need Report – 2020
The report reviews the demographics of all women living in San Luis Obispo County and highlights findings on the issues of economics, childcare, safety, reproductive and mental health.