The Foundation offers a variety of charitable funds to serve the needs of you and your clients.
Agency funds are created by charitable organizations to support their mission.

The Foundation accepts bequests from donors with estate plans directing certain assets to The Foundation. We honor the wishes of the donor as expressed but reserve the right of refusal as necessary and appropriate. The Foundation may not be named as fiduciary for a donor in his/her estate plans and will not serve if named. The Foundation may create a named fund in memory of the donor, if there is no stipulation for anonymity. Click here for Sample Bequest language.
Award funds provide financial gifts, grants or assistance to members of the general public through an application or nomination process.
Deferred gifts do not fully accrue to the Foundation until some future time, or are split with charitable or non-charitable beneficiaries. The Foundation will work closely with donors and confer with financial advisors, at the request of the donors, to realize these gifts. In cases where the gifts are complex, the CEO may request review by the Finance & Administration Committee.
Designated funds support a specific charitable organization designated by the fund’s donor or donors.
Donor Advised Funds at The Community Foundation are an attractive alternative to establishing a private foundation or a commercial gift fund. A Donor Advised Fund provides the flexibility to recommend grants to the donors’ favorite nonprofits. It also provides an opportunity for the donor to have access to all the education opportunities at The Foundation to learn more about local needs and to utilize all the services of The Community Foundation staff. Learn about the benefits of establishing a Donor Advised Fund here.
Field of Interest funds support a particular area of need designated by the fund’s charitable purpose. Examples of fields are Women & Girls, Health & Human Services, Arts & Culture, or Environment.
In managing a variety of charitable funds for the benefit of San Luis Obispo County residents, The Community Foundation has developed a thoughtful investment policy to protect our charitable assets under management. Our fee schedule accommodates the required services, including administration, grantmaking, reporting and banking activities of each fund. The Board of Directors reviews and determines fees on an annual basis.
The Foundation will work closely with donors to implement planned giving options that provide income to a donor or designees, as well as financial benefit to The Foundation. The Foundation will evaluate each gift on a case-by-case basis. Options include:
This planned gift is based on giving cash or securities in exchange for lifetime income, either immediate or deferred, to the donor. It is a contract between the donor and The Foundation and is backed by The Foundation’s total assets. The gift is a combination of a charitable gift and the purchase of an annuity. The Foundation will consider accepting a CGA only if The Foundation is beneficiary of at least 20% of the residual proceeds.
Memorial funds are created in memory of an individual who has passed away, allowing people to make contributions in honor of the deceased. Funds are then awarded to a specific cause at the direction of those establishing the fund.
The Real Estate Foundation of San Luis Obispo County will work with you to bring an enhanced benefit of your services to your client. The purpose of the Real Estate Foundation is to facilitate the sale of donated real estate, from anywhere in the United States, in order to pass the net proceeds of that sale on to San Luis Obispo County charities designated by the donor. Our team of experts will guide you and your client through the complicated maze of real estate transactions. You benefit by increasing your credibility with your client; your client benefits financially and personally; and charities receive the benefit of your client’s generosity.
Donors may make lifetime gifts of retirement assets or name the Foundation as the beneficiary of their plan. Retirement plans include, but are not limited to, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA), 401(k), 403(b), and defined contribution plans. Distributions from retirement plans are also accepted.
Scholarship funds provide financial assistance to students attending schools, vocational training, special courses, colleges and universities. Scholarship funds can also support vocational training and assistance in paying for special courses. Donors may recommend eligibility criteria and participate in the selection process. Learn more about establishing a Scholarship Fund here.
The Community Foundation has the expertise and the resources to accept even the most complicated gifts. This allows you and your client to maximize the tax benefit of their generosity. In addition to accepting gifts of check, cash and stocks, The Foundation also accepts other forms of gifts. We look forward to working with you and your clients to determine the most appropriate giving and estate plan options.
Unrestricted funds enable The Foundation to identify and address local needs and opportunities. The Foundation makes distributions to support the effective work of charitable organizations throughout our communities.